Some explanations on the above table : Score is the total score of the computer (including draws), rating is the initial rating of the computer (from Wiki Elo), Perf (Elo) corresponds to a very simple formula (62,5% of Perf = 100 elo rating difference, 75% of Perf = 200 elo rating difference,...) which is not accurate is the two opponents are very different in stength, Error Barre in % is calculated by the formula 40/root(number_of_games), Elostat means the Elo formula has been used for the calculation of the Elo (but not the
Elostat programme, nor the
Bayeselo of Remi Coulom. One difference is I consider that a draw is part of the performance as it is done in the official calculation rules). The results are very consistent with the Wiki Elo so that I can be satisfied with the Elo they give for this two machines.
Milady link is broken
Mee too... link are broken.
Can you repost please? I'm very interesting in this program.
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