Saturday, September 15, 2007

Chess programming for beginners

You will find some good places on the Web if you want to start your own chess engine (I know it is a strange idea, but if you are here you are a strange person). As you don't want to create a clone, i.e. take sources codes, modify a few lines, compile the thing, and finally say "that's my baby, i'm the strongest programmer on the world", you will have to do it yourself, and do it the hardest way.
I will try to give you some basic techniques in the following small articles. If you are already inside chess programming, I suppose you will not find this place so interesting, though my feedback on some classical algorithms may be sometime original. Do not try to send me mail if you have some questions, better to post on the chess programming forums, Talkchess and Winboard (links on the right).

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